Yeah I know, I\'m bad at keeping a blog up-to-date. 2009 has been a busy year already, and I should have been posting about it, but I\'ve been far too busy and it just slipped my mind.
Early in the year I sold Apex Gaming Ads. A few months later I sold my first website, after a lot of hard thought, Apex Web Gaming. Next, I acquired twtAd and resold it a month later. I then made a site called Adfly (, but then sold it 2 weeks later. BC Wars sort of got put on the afterburner there for a while while all of this was happening, but I am starting to rev that back up now.
PokerRPG is going strong and a lot of great updates are on the way. A Facebook version of PokerRPG was also released recently. BC Wars is looking at a Beta launch within 5-10 days from this posting.