Apex Gaming Ads Released
James Simpson
July 23, 2007

Apex Web Gaming is proud to expand its brand to the online advertising market with the introduction of Apex Gaming Ads (http://apexgamingads.com).  We look to set a new standard in gaming advertisements and provide the best quality for both advertisers and publishers.

We are running a special offer for the launch of the site, but you need to hurry because it is only good through the end of the month.  Any publisher that joins before July 31 will receive $10.00 free bonus into their account and advertisers receive $10.00 bonus on their first deposit.

Just a quick rundown, we offer 100% CPC with an innovation ad server to make the best of the advertisers money and earn the publisher top dollar, high 60% share for publishers, minimum payouts and deposits of $20, run of network ads, and much more!  Visit http://apexgamingads.com for more information.